Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas

from my gang to yours! Although the card's a bit different this year ... as life is a bit different this year ... I'm hoping you have a Healthy and Happy Christmas and that 2011 is the BEST year yet!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I like to reflect on my wide range of friendships and how lucky I am to have met so many interesting people throughout my life. I have wonderful friends! I have some I've met online that I later met in person... and we've become very close; I have friends that I have had since Grade School; or High School... not so many that I've kept in touch with since College... Friends from work; through my vw group; church; neighbours... SO many!

For an only child I am very blessed to have so many friends I consider to be my family!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ah the power of cookies....

I went to my first cookie exchange today... and what a great concept! Especially for those who don't bake!!! I'd like to blame my baking on the stove I have but I'm honestly not sure if it's me or the stove that burns the cookies.

So I decided to make chocolate dipped pretzels... and they were a big hit ... (whew). I in turn came home with a few bags of shortbread, some yummy peanut butter surprise cookies, lemon cookies, chocolate chip ... hmmm what else - some cute Santas... everyone really did an amazing job on their cookies! I was even begging people to save me their cookies because I didn't want to miss out on some of my favs!

But it's more than the cookies ... it's gathering with friends, hearing about their christmas plans and their decorations... taking time through the crazy season to sit back and enjoy for a few hours.

Last Christmas I read a book called The Christmas Cookie Club and it was one of those feel good Christmas books that you love to read over the holiday season. Sheila's party today was very much the same ... people there to lend an ear, a smile and a warm hug. Not everyone is Susie Sunshine over the holidays and but everyone loves cookies :)

I really enjoyed myself and hope it's going to become a tradition in "the hood" for many years to come! Thanks Sheila!