Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas

from my gang to yours! Although the card's a bit different this year ... as life is a bit different this year ... I'm hoping you have a Healthy and Happy Christmas and that 2011 is the BEST year yet!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I like to reflect on my wide range of friendships and how lucky I am to have met so many interesting people throughout my life. I have wonderful friends! I have some I've met online that I later met in person... and we've become very close; I have friends that I have had since Grade School; or High School... not so many that I've kept in touch with since College... Friends from work; through my vw group; church; neighbours... SO many!

For an only child I am very blessed to have so many friends I consider to be my family!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ah the power of cookies....

I went to my first cookie exchange today... and what a great concept! Especially for those who don't bake!!! I'd like to blame my baking on the stove I have but I'm honestly not sure if it's me or the stove that burns the cookies.

So I decided to make chocolate dipped pretzels... and they were a big hit ... (whew). I in turn came home with a few bags of shortbread, some yummy peanut butter surprise cookies, lemon cookies, chocolate chip ... hmmm what else - some cute Santas... everyone really did an amazing job on their cookies! I was even begging people to save me their cookies because I didn't want to miss out on some of my favs!

But it's more than the cookies ... it's gathering with friends, hearing about their christmas plans and their decorations... taking time through the crazy season to sit back and enjoy for a few hours.

Last Christmas I read a book called The Christmas Cookie Club and it was one of those feel good Christmas books that you love to read over the holiday season. Sheila's party today was very much the same ... people there to lend an ear, a smile and a warm hug. Not everyone is Susie Sunshine over the holidays and but everyone loves cookies :)

I really enjoyed myself and hope it's going to become a tradition in "the hood" for many years to come! Thanks Sheila!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Constance the Caravan

Have you heard of her? Oh my she's so sweet! If you google her you'll come across many links and pics of her on flickr. Her design makes me smile. I would want her in my back yard to read books in and laze around in her comfy splendor.

I imagine Alex listening to his ipod and chilling with a book. (did you notice I called him Alex - it's what he prefers - still AJ to mom though...). I imagine Jessie having tea parties with her American Girl Doll Julie ... with lovely Vanilla Nut Tea and homemade cookies. Or setting up all her barbies and stuffed animals and having a sleepover in the back yard. It would be truly special!

Now don't fret because my Lucy love is still there - she's my dream come true and I'm inspired through Constance to give sweet Lucy some interior love with pillows and a new granny square blanket. Something to go with her funky self.

Check out Constance here

See the cool book she's in? I'm adding that to my wish list too - so very very very cool!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Slow down summer vacation!

How can it be more than half over??? July zooooomed by too quickly and there is so much jam packed into August. We just returned from the cottage that we rent every August in Nanticoke, ON. Next is Grand Bend for a night this weekend ... then back to Port Elgin for the kids (3 x this year)... and also planned this month is high tea at Langdon Hall.

In between we have been enjoying Lucy our VW bus ... and our zoo of animals at home.

I have also taken more time off this summer (more than usual) to enjoy time with the kids... but there was SO much we didn't do that I had hoped. Friends we didn't get to see and places we didn't get to go to. I might have to make September weekends busy too to fit it all in!

Hope you are all enjoying your summer too!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dream Come True!

I have been wanting a vw bus since I was a teenager and I travelled through Europe with my family in one.

I never really thought I would get one but I bought Lucy in November and then it turned out she was a bit of a "fixer upper".

Lucky for me I met Robert who has owned a bus before and knows what she needs and is helping me fix her up. And even luckier for me - he's a GREAT guy and has a son who can hang out with Jessie and Alexander! Win Win!! And he is willing to be our captain until I perfect the "bus driving" skill.

I've met some GREAT people through a few online groups who are from Ontario and have vw buses (or other vw's)... and they are willing to help out with pretty much anything you need!

What's next for Lucy? Oh man - lots! Curtains, body work, a new colour, LOTS!!!
Stay tuned!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's the little things that can make you smile...

This week has been a tough one. Alexander and I seem to be going through a rough patch with fighting ... I think mainly because we are TOO much alike.

He's currently at camp and we were fighting just before so I am going through a very "bad mommy" moment.

Anyhow. My friend Sue makes beautiful cards and sells them on etsy and I ordered two from her. When I came home for lunch yesterday I saw a padded envelope and was excited to see my purchaes. They were truly beautiful - the pictures didn't do them justice.

But the most amazing part was the card she did for me with my VW bus Lucy in mind. And inside was the quote .... “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Are you an early riser?

As I sit here awake much too early I wonder to myself... why can I not sleep in? I have never had that ability!! My mother used to wake me up early to go to daycare and even as a teenager I didn't even sleep in ... I envy people who can because I'm sure my body could use a few more zzzz's.

And just when I might be able to give sleeping in a try I decided to get a puppy who doesn't know how to sleep in either!!! Hmmmm?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Expect the Unexpected!

We were driving to church and saw an llama... so we decided he'd be my pic of the day on the way home if he was still out... we drove by on way home and he was still out. So I got out of the car and was framing up the pic when outta no where comes a sheep busting out to get into the pic.

I laughed and continue to frame a pic of the two and then all of a sudden a bunch of chubby fuzzy sheep start stampeding to see what's going on ... it was so funny and surreal... the kids were in the car the whole time just staring in amazement.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Welcome Clive

So we've been talking an awful lot about getting a smaller dog to add to our zoo... it's been in the works for over a year. Today was finally the day and we adopted a bichon-poo named Clive. We got a boy for once since there's 2 human girls in our house and 3 fuzzy ones ... now it's time for a boy ...
So now we're back at potty training (ok so it's not potty training but you get the drift)... teeth falling out ... and all the fun of a little boy!! He's quite the laid back boy and so far so good!!
Welcome Clive!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Things I learned by listening to the Martha Stewart Channel on Sirius for 12 hours over the weekend while travelling....

Not in any particular order...

1. Green is the new brown (which I guess was the old black)?

2. It is NOT healthy to vaccinate your dogs/cats depending on their lifestyle. Once cats/dogs are given the shots at the beginning they build up their immunities... and then things like rabies may only be needed every 3 years IF you can convince your vet! The same amount of vaccine is given to a miniature breed as is given to say a ... newfoundland dog! WOW!

3. Listening to the "Whatever" show can only be done when little ones are fast asleep or out of ear shot! Very interesting show but not kid appropriate!

4. Some lady has planned her entire YEAR for dinners!! Yup that's 365 dinners planned in advance. Lordy!

5. Some people pronounce crepes like creps or crapes (like me)....

6. The cat lady is cool - I've listened to her show before and I really enjoy her!

7. Eating raw sounds very interesting! Although I'm not sure I could go 100% raw - it does sound very yummy and nutritious!

I'm sure there's more - but there's a start!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Just because it's on sale...

does not mean we need it LOL ... case in point - I am not a snuggie lover ... everyone got them for xmas and I passed on that one... although I am usually cold - I didn't need a snuggie. So my husband and son went to Canadian Tire today and came home with some Lego for AJ - a Cake Bakery thing for Jessie (which she was TRES excited about) and for me - yup you guessed it - a snuggie - LOL - maybe I'll keep in in my vw bus Lucy since she has no heat (ha ha)

Even American Girl Dolls Live the Coolest Lives

It's always a big occassion in my house when the newest American Girl Doll catalogue comes in the mail...

Jessie grabs her "daughter" Julie (AG Doll) and then pours over each page with ooohs and aaahs. Now let's admit, the stuff is VERY cool and imaginative but sometimes a bit over my budget...

The clothes are very nice but I tend to make Julie clothes rather than buy ... and she has an awesome bed that was made for her birthday complete with bedding.

But sometimes I just will look through the magazine with her and we'll just dream.

Case in point - we all know my obsession for VW buses aka "fatchicks"... which has resulted in the purchase of Lucy (who by the way is hibernating for the winter in dreams of being safetied and painted)... we open the newest catalogue and take a look at this! It's a trailer - that inside could be my very own Lucy - I'm in love. Too bad it's so darn $$ but we can dream (and think of how to build our own LOL!)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Chai Hot Chocolate

I had this the other day at Williams with my good friend Steph (who says I need to update my blog)... and I was intrigued... so off I went to google recipes for white hot chocolate...

I will try them and let you know which is best....


This white hot chocolate, laced with chai spices, makes an elegant winter warmer. Be sure to use only top-quality white chocolate -- make sure it contains cocoa butter, and not vegetable shortening.
Serves 2.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
2 tablespoons good quality white chocolate chips or grated white chocolate
1 cup milk or soy milk
1 cup water
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 whole clove
1 whole black peppercorn
Take two mugs, and place one tablespoon of white chocolate into each. Set aside.
Place milk and water into a small saucepan. Whisk in the spices. Place over medium heat, and allow to slowly come to a boil, whisking occasionally.
As soon as the mixture begins to boil, reduce the heat to low, and remove the clove and peppercorn.
Whisk vigorously to distribute the spices and create a foam on top. Remove from the heat.
Pour half of the milk mixture into each of the mugs. Stir to melt the white chocolate. Spoon some of the foam onto the top of each and serve. Enjoy!


1/2cup fat free milk
1/2cup water
1spiced chai tea bags
1 Hot Cocoa, rich chocolate, fat free, dry packet

Directions 1 Heat milk and water to boiling then pour into mug. Add tea bag; let stand for at least 1 minute. Remove tea bag; stir in cocoa mix.


k off topic (well kinda) but this sounds yummy!

Happy cocoa making!!