Tuesday, September 9, 2008

so after church on Sunday- I trekked over to the next city to go to Bath and Body Works. As a Canadian I am THRILLED that we are getting a sprinkling of these stores in Ontario. One not far from me - even better! Sadly - even though I did read this and it didn't register with me ... it opens Monday LOL! Oh well - that's ok too.

So since we were there - me and my mini-me went to Starbucks to get a coffee for me and a hot chocolate for her... and share a pumpkin scone (MMM)... we admired the school supplies that are all over Chapters... journals with covers as beautiful as fabric ... pens... funky paper clips - you name it!

And of course Jessie cannot walk by the stuffed animals without falling in love with them all - telling me how they should join our family of stuffed animals (which is HUGE by the way). Well I am a big kid - I love stuffies just as much - I have a bunny from Build a Bear and whole other collections of bunnies (my fav). Jess's 6 cabbage patch dolls, who knows how many care bears, and 23 webkinz are mostly because of me I'm sure.

So two things caught my eye - one was a stuffed hedgehog - I really liked him and then there was a bunny in a dress. She reminded me of a bunny I have had since I was little - in a dress my grandma made - baby and twobaby (a bear) sit proudly on top of Jess's shelves ... lovingly worn out - by years and years of adoration.

I talked myself out of the stuffies and walked to get my coffee but couldn't get my mind of the bunny. So after our treats we walked back to the stuffed animals and saw her there - different from all the others and upon closer inspection - saw that she was 50% off (meant to be?). So we happily bought her and Jess named her Bunnalina - the newest addition to our family.

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