Sunday, July 5, 2009

180/365 - reflection

180/365 - reflection, originally uploaded by mamabluebelle.

It's funny how you see yourself - through your eyes and someone else's too.

I was shopping yesterday and found a shirt that I LOVED! It was funky and me - and when I walked out of the changeroom I could tell immediately my shopping friend wasn't as thrilled as I was. And told me it made me look big. I looked in the mirror and immediately felt big...

I know my weight is not where I want it to be but I am usually pretty sure of myself no matter what and carry myself well. But all of a sudden I was looking in the change room mirror noticing every nook and cranny of my body - tearing myself apart.

It's funny how a comment can make you feel.

Goal - tell someone today how beautiful they are!

1 comment:

Susan said...

I think you are beautiful on the inside and out. xoxo