Thursday, August 27, 2009

My heart bubbles over...

So today I picked Alexander up from "Bible Boot Camp" aka - FBI Camp. He was there for three nights and it was his first overnight camp with our church.

It was so good to see him - wow I missed him. They gave out team awards, etc. His team won overall - and from each team a member got a flag and another got prayers verses... the one kid in AJ's ground who got the verses was very new to God ... kinda cool. Another kid in AJ's group was healed and no longer needs his hearing aids... - he got the flag. Alexander was pretty emotional by the end. He told me they prayed for his godfather Ralph and Alexander was the first one to lead the prayer. He said he cried a lot.

At the end they gave out four or five random awards (tshirts) - to the kids who they see as future leaders at the church ... the one's who showed real heart at camp and a good example. I kept thinking as they handed out one and another - would my son be that kid? I know he has it in him but there's 48 kids and a good majority are from the church school ... anyhow they she said his name - you'd think he won an Emmy - I was all teary and trying to take a picture - and just SO PROUD.


Donna said...

Congratulations AJ!
What an amazing experience.
Hugs to you and Mommy!
How was Jessie with big brother away?

Bevie said...

Congratulations AJ! I always knew you'd be a star! But you are much more than that - You are super intelligent yet so caring, thoughtful and compassionate! One marvellous young man!
Lisa, you are a wonderful Mom and I'm proud of you!