Saturday, January 16, 2010

Even American Girl Dolls Live the Coolest Lives

It's always a big occassion in my house when the newest American Girl Doll catalogue comes in the mail...

Jessie grabs her "daughter" Julie (AG Doll) and then pours over each page with ooohs and aaahs. Now let's admit, the stuff is VERY cool and imaginative but sometimes a bit over my budget...

The clothes are very nice but I tend to make Julie clothes rather than buy ... and she has an awesome bed that was made for her birthday complete with bedding.

But sometimes I just will look through the magazine with her and we'll just dream.

Case in point - we all know my obsession for VW buses aka "fatchicks"... which has resulted in the purchase of Lucy (who by the way is hibernating for the winter in dreams of being safetied and painted)... we open the newest catalogue and take a look at this! It's a trailer - that inside could be my very own Lucy - I'm in love. Too bad it's so darn $$ but we can dream (and think of how to build our own LOL!)

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